Friday, February 22, 2008

9 months check up

we went to see dr golet today. here are my stats...prepare to be amazed! i'm 26 inches long, puts me between the 5th & 10th percentile, i weigh 17.6 lb, in the 25th percentile WOHOO, and finally my head is 45 cm which puts me in the 75th percentile for my age group. she said i'm perfect and wonderful. mommy was so proud of me. i was too and had a very hard time getting to sleep at my nap time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


i had my first taste of cheerios for snack today. i thought they were great. i have to admit i've been struggling with getting food into my mouth on my own but the cheerios were a snap!

Monday, February 18, 2008

talking and belly laughes

mommy made me laugh sooo hard tonight when we were playing with my ball. it's the first time i've had a belly laugh with out being tickled. daddy also got some footage of me talking.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

picnic at the park

mommy, daddy and i went to the park today with a picnic. it was such a pretty day, especially since yesterday was so rainy and icky. i got to play on the swing and slide with daddy. we checked out the swimming pool, which mommy hopes we'll be able to spend A LOT of time there this summer. i already have my bathing suit ready to go.

9 months old

i turned 9 months old yesterday. i spent the day with grandma while mommy and daddy went shopping for baby proofing stuff for the house. grandma told mommy all about how i played with the laundry basket and used it to walk around the living room, can you believe it? walking! i have my 9 month appointment with dr jolet on friday so i'll have all kinds of info for you.

this photo is of me at HEB. i LOVE to ride in the top basket of the shopping cart because i can see where are going in stead of where we've been. well today was my last time to ride like that because i try to stand up if there's anything i can grab onto. mommy was glad to be able to get this photo.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

nap time

mommy put me down for my morning nap about a half hour late today so i was not inclined to fall asleep. i played quietly in my crib for about an hour and 15 min. when mommy checked my baby monitor to see why i'd stopped talking to myself this is what she found. she laughed and laughed and laughed.

Monday, February 11, 2008

having fun with dad

here are some other photos mommy took of me playing with daddy and my toys.

standing in my crib

at nap time today mommy heard me making noises and thought i should have been asleep. so she crept down the hall in hopes of checking on me without my seeing her. well you can imagine her surprise when she looked around the door frame and saw me standing up in my crib. yep thats right i'm a big girl now. oh!, i've also started cutting my top teeth. it's only a matter of time before i'm eating cheerios.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


i did it! tonight i crawled for the first time. after months of working and practicing i finally got it. and i showed it to daddy first. check me out!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


today i had a play date with my friends conner, noah and james. noah and james are big boys so we didn't actually play but conner and i played on the swings and did a little sliding. this was not my first time to try out swinging. mommy and i went to the park down the street on monday where i got to try it out. i L O V E D it! i can't wait to do it again.