Wednesday, October 31, 2007

sitting up

i have started to master my next milestone. in-spite of my disproportionately large head, which is evident in the second photo, i have started to find my balance sitting up. i'm not too bad at it when leaning forward. it's the leaning back that gets me every time. sitting up is opening a whole new world for me. my toys seem brand new to me. mommy and daddy are very excited about this new development. especially mommy. she's ready form me to ride in the shopping cart without my car seat. wont that be exciting?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

a bad day

today was kind of a bad day for mommy and me. we started the day by almost getting run over by a crazy bowie high school kid. he probably came with in 4 feet of running mommy, me, alissa and bennett over. it was very scary. alissa call the police and a nice policeman came to her house to talk to her and mommy. high school boys aren't very smart. not that he knew this, but he parked his car on alissa's street. so it was not hard to point the policeman in the right direction. he told us there wasn't much he could do about it but to start patrolling the area in the morning when students are going to school. alissa called bowie and was told they'd try to find who it was and give him a stern reprimand. mommy is hoping they will call his mommy and daddy too.

then to make the day even better mommy accidentally locked me in the car. fortunately we were parked in front of grammys house and the car was in the shade. i was the picture of calm. didn't want mommy to panic. she'd already nearly had a heart attack earlier this morning. a very nice man who happened to be driving by saw grammy and mommy trying to figure it out and stopped to save the day. phew! we are looking forward to starting a new day. tomorrow is halloween and i get to go trick or treating with my cousins. that'll be so much fun.

magic baby!

bet you didn't know i knew how to do magic. yep! this is my favorite trick. the old spoon on the nose. mommy and i were clowning around yesterday when i showed it to her. she was pretty amazed.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

pumpkin patch

mommy and daddy took me to my first pumpkin patch this morning. its was pretty fun and i got to wear my halloween costume. lots of people thought i was very cute. i guess not a whole lot of people have seen a real live baby peacock.

Friday, October 26, 2007

mommys concerns

mommy took me into the doctors office today to have my weight checked. she's been a little nervous that i'm not gaining weight like i should. my ribs have been showing a little more than normal lately. it could be because i just had a growth spurt or because i'm not getting enough calories. we're not sure yet. i weighed 11 pounds 15 ounces. i've only gained 7 ounces in the last month. the nurse said it wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. hopefully mommy will hear from my pedi on monday and she'll have some suggestions to get some more chunckers on me.

oh! and i got my first bump on the head today. mommy was more upset than i was. we were hanging out with my friend bennett and his mommy after our morning walk. mommy was sitting on the floor with me and i was standing up holding on to her fingers. i leaned a little too far forward and did a little bit of a face plant. it happened so fast all mommy could do was gasp. i only cried a little 'cause i'm a little trooper.

my new favorite toy

i have a new favorite toy. it was introduced to me by my friend jaden. it's a spoon. i know what your thinking..a spoon? well this is no ordinary spoon. jaden told me his spoon is good for drumming and scooping his toys. there are so many uses for my spoon. right now i love to chew on it and to hear it squeak against my gums. it's going to be great when i start getting teeth. perhaps i'll try drumming one day.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

happy birthday daddy

today was my daddy's birthday. mommy and i spent the morning picking up his presents and ingredients for his special dessert. then we picked daddy up for some lunch. we go to see his cubicle at work and meet some of his co-workers. they were all super nice. we also took daddy out for a sushi dinner. 

and his special dessert?...bananas foster!

num num barley cereal

i love barley cereal. i've had rice and oatmeal as well, but don't get as excited as i do with barley. interesting. mommy wasn't sure from which of them i got a love for the hops. but then she remembered that daddy does enjoy the occasional beer. hmmmm. daddy says barley and hops are two different things. mommy says what ever!.....well, we tried to upload a video but it wont work for some reason. so, you'll just have to settle for these photos.

i open my mouth as wide as it'll go, like a little birdie.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

a quick look back

mommy and i were looking back through my blog and we realized for those who weren't able to visit me right after i was born may not realize how much i've grown up. i was pretty small at 4 pounds and looked so much different. so here are some photos from when i was just a few weeks old.

how silly of me. here's one at the hospital just hours after i was born.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

5 months old

today was my 5 month birthday. it was a rough day to tell the truth. mommy, daddy and i came home from topeka yesterday spending 12 hours in the car. i was soooo tired today and spent most of the day letting mommy know about it. we spent a few hours out at grammy and poppys which was helpful for mommy. we did end the day on a high note though. i got my first taste of rice cereal! and just like my daddy before me i fussed between bites. i ate just about 2 oz of cereal the consistency of a thin milkshake. it didn't take me long to figure the spoon out and i managed to get most of it into my tummy.

Monday, October 8, 2007

trip to topeka

so in anticipation for our trip to topeka this week mommy went shopping for me. she's worried that it might be a little on the chilly side there. wishful thinking?? we hope not. you loose all your heat through your head and feet, right?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

baby gap model??

mommy signed me up for a contest to be a baby model for the gap. i'm pretty sure i'm cute and pretty enough to pull it off. we're excited 'cause i think there's shopping involved if i get chosen. as well as a trip to san francisco. should know something by the end of the year. wish me luck!! these are two of the photos mommy sent in.


Monday, October 1, 2007

going to the gym

daddy went to they gym with me today. well, i was playing in my play gym and daddy decided to come and play with me. he's so much fun. there wasn't a whole lot of room to play though so we just snuggled.

watch'n football

yesterday mommy, daddy and i spent the day over at aunt karen and uncle duanes house watching football and snacking. dax and i watched too, much to our mommies dismay. i think dax is addicted to football already. that's okay though. i'm pretty excited about bragging to all my girlfriend about my quarterback cousin...and perhaps doing a little match making in the process.