Friday, November 30, 2007

splish splash i was tak'n a bath

i discovered how much fun it is to splash in the bath water and get it all over the bathroom today. i laughed and squealed and got mommy all wet. good times.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

6 months check up

i had my 6 month check up got it more shots. here are my stats: height is 23 3/4 that's the 3%, weight is 11.8 3% as well. i've not gained a thing since my last check up. finally my head is 43cm which is in the 50%. dr jolet put me and mommy on a new calorie regiment and i go back in a month to see how i'm doing. we're not too worried just yet as i pass all other milestones with flying colors. here's a photo of me and dr jolet. i also thought the paper on the exam table was the best toy EVER.

Monday, November 26, 2007


i thought you all might like to see my very first pictures. the first one was taken at 9 week and the next two were taken at 21 weeks. that's my profile alright.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

bath & bed time

see my crazy after bath time hair?? i love bath time. i get my most excited. but what's most exciting is that my hair is getting long enough to stick up!!!! bath time isn't a normal part of my bedtime ritual but since tomorrows thanks giving mommy wanted me to smell my best. reading the many adventures of winnie the pooh IS a part of my bed time ritual. i'm not sure how i feel about reading yet, but mommy likes to do it so i humor her.

this is my newest facial expression

all natural

we have been pretty busy lately. i celebrated my 6 month birthday on friday the 16. not much happened that day. mommy tried to take a picture in the front yard to mark the occasion but i lost my balance while sitting under the trees and landed on my face. no harm done but i was pretty upset about it and refused to have photos taken. i'm very social now that i'm 6 months old. saturday i went to two birthday parties.

my daddy is off work this whole week for thanks giving. his plan was to work on his car the whole week. he got sick on monday though and spend the day in the hospital. he scared mommy by passing out at home and then again at the doctors office. all due to dehydration. i got to spend the day with my aunt karen and cousin dax then got to spend the night at grandma's house. mommy was very brave...i've been told...and didn't cry at all about my first night away.

so to explain the picture...on tuesday we had to go back to see the doctor so he could make sure daddy was getting better. i loaded up my diaper on the way and because i spent the night at grandma's mommy didn't have a diaper for me. she had to drop daddy off and go over to central market to buy some. in the process my diaper exploded all over my cloths and mommys hand. with no change of cloths i had to go into the doctors office all natural. literally since my bib and diaper were organic.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

rouse family photo

grandma wanted a family photo to send out with her christmas cards this year. so this afternoon we all went to mommy's favorite lake park. we had so much fun. here are the results of the day.

Friday, November 9, 2007

zilker park

today mommy and i visited zilker park with aunt karen and dax. it was my first time to go there. we watched kids playing on the playground and ridding the train. then we sat on a blanket and watched the leaves blowing in the wind while i chewed on my toes. mommy said we'll be going to the park lots next year. and we might go swimming in the giant swimming pool.

Monday, November 5, 2007

sweet berry farms

mommy and i visited sweet berry farms with our friends marilisa, caleb and jen. the weather was perfect. we got to see goats and horses and lots and lots of pumpkins. it was the perfect way to spend one of the very last spring like days of the year.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

celebrating daddy & uncle duane

today we went over to aunt karens house to celebrate daddy and uncle duanes birthday. i haven't been able to see my cousin dax for a long time 'cause they've been sick. but now everyone is well and we spent a fun afternoon with them, grandma and uncle craig. the dress i'm wearing was made for me by mommy's friend zela. we're sad 'cause this will probably be the last time i'm able to wear it.

halloween with my cousins

mommy has been a slacker. this is late but here's a photo of my cousins and i on halloween. we had a lot of fun walking around grammy and poppy's neighborhood. there were soooo many kids out trick or treating. i can't wait till i can walk up to the doors.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

down town park

mommy, daddy and i went to the new park down town. it was so pretty outside and daddy said lets get out and do something. mommy's been wanting to check it out so it was the perfect opportunity. it was also a great opportunity for mommy to get some good photos of me sitting up since it's official i am a sitter upper.