Wednesday, January 16, 2008

eight months old

happy late new year. mommy and i have lost track of time, not that we have much to show for it. today i turn eight months old. mommy thinks my top teeth are trying to come in and i'm getting close to crawling. i can get up on my hands and knees but can't figure out where to go from there. we'll keep you posted on both the teeth and the crawling. i'm no longer nursing. mommy's milk supply was getting really low and then one morning i bit her pretty good so we decided that it was time to stop. i could have cared less but mommy was a little sad. i love all the new foods i get to try now and find very little that i don't like, peas being one that i don't. there are lots of mmms and arm gestures and i still use my thumb to help me swallow. mommy's working with me on saying mama and dada but so far i don't see the need to expand my vocabulary. yodeling has gotten me this far and if it's not broke don't fix it, right?

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