Monday, September 15, 2008

austin childrens museum

mommy and i went to the austin children's museum today with aunt karen, dax, mrs kristen and connor. the day started out pretty much like any other. we got up, ate breakfast and mommy changed my diaper. she put me in my crib so that she could get ready. when she came back you can imagin her surprise to find me naked. i'd finally figured out how to get my diaper off...and of course it wasn't empty...we wont go into details but you get the point. needless to say i wont be sleeping in just my diaper anymore.

the museum was great. they have a bunch of rooms with various activities. i played in the "little" kids area for a while on the slide. then we played in the restaurant. after that was music time, which was loads of fun. especially when mommy finally let me go into the circle to dance. then it was off to the austin city limits room where they have tv's with music playing. on this day it was yodeling. there were so many other rooms and a whole other level we didn't get to explore. all the more reason to go back. we went to joe's for lunch. a great burger/sandwich place on second and lavaca. the atmospher was cool and totally austin. it was the best day. oh and i don't want to forget to mention the AWESOME fall like weather. what a great day to be downtown.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don Walser is one of my heroes. I hope he inspires Payton to be a great yodeler.